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One Child Policy in English

One Child Policy 한자녀정책과 흑해자 1


Without doubt, the People’s Republic of China (China) has the greatest population in the world. According to the World Bank, there are, at present, about 1.3 billion people in China; approximately one fifth of world’s population. In order to the control this population from potentially spiraling out of control, the Family Planning Policy was developed and is one of the core policies that has emerged as China has gone through economic reform. The National Population and Family Planning Commission of P.R China estimated that about 35% of population has been applied this policy, however, some researches also argue that in practice, a total of about 60% people can only have one child.


The government often refers to the success of the population control to justify the continued implementation of the policy. Every year government has praised its success, and has continually carried out Family Planning Policy. However, nowadays this policy has been criticized by internally and externally, because of its side effects and future dangers. There are lots of criticisms of the Family Planning policy in many areas, however, nowadays, social problems that the Family Planning Policy has brought about have seriously been focused on.


There are two clear problems in One Child Policy. Black Children and abortion (including forced-abortion) are serious social problems in China, and many experts and human rights organizations has been worried about these, and every year they suggest that the Chinese government ban its Family Planning Policy. These social problems have led to serious human rights problems in China, therefore before worrying about population problems, these must be dealt with. This essay is going to explain what the Family Planning Policy is, and examine Black Children, abortion, and forced-abortion problems. Furthermore, this essay will answer the question of whether the advantages of the One Child Policy justify the manner in which it has been regulated, and what is recommendable suggestion for Family Planning Policy.


Family Planning Policy in China


In 1949, the population of China was 0.45 billion when China was first established, however, it was surprisingly increased under Mao Zedong, a founding father in china. He strongly argued more population means more power, and because of this direction, the population reached in 1960s. However, this population explosion has made China have to confront many problems, such as lack of food and available living space, and the government decided that this problem is an obstacle of modernization. Therefore, the Chinese government firstly introduced family planning policy in 1962 that parents could have 2 children, and started implementation from 1978. Although there are many exceptions, and laws are different from place to place, it can be summarized that parents who have household-registration (named 户口hukou) can only have one child, except under some particular circumstances, for example if twins are born, or disabled, people can are allowed two children. Because of this reason, many people call this policy as “One Child Policy”. One the other hand, in rural area, generally parents can also only have one child, however, if the first child is a girl, parents can have second child. Moreover, this policy cannot apply to ethnic minority groups or foreigners, and the government if both parents are single children, then they can have a second child.


China’s government believes that the One Child policy is clearly needed. Jiang Zemin, the ex-primer in China argues in the First Forum on Family Planning in 1991, Family planning can decide China’s fate, it is impossible to improve the quality of Chinese population unless the government cannot fully control it. Therefore, he insists that China should use this policy as a long-term view. Since China’s government has released this policy, they believe Family Planning Policy can solve many problems that a population explosion brings about, such as such as food shortage, living space shortages, and facing serious unemployment problems, and it will solve the problems that obstacles of going through modernization put before them. In 2005, China government insisted Family Planning Policy has achieved outstanding and remarkable results.



Since China reformed and opened itself up, it has insisted on maintaining the one child policy. The steady growth of population and comprehensive improvement in the quality of population has meant that a fundamental shift in the population reproduction pattern has been achieved, and a greater contribution to the development of the world’s population has also been made. The National Bureau of Statistics report, released at the end of 2008, shows that due to the implementation of the one child policy, China's natural population growth rate dropped from 1978 12 to 2 in 2008; China’s population was 22.2% of the world’s population in 1980. It decreased 20.1% in 2007. This report also points out that China’s population has completely transformed from the traditional model of “high birth rate, low death rate, and high natural growth”, to the modern model of “low birth rate, low death rate, and low natural growth”

This historical transformation has only taken 30years, and usually it takes a country more that 100 years to develop. ............If there were no effective control against the rapid population growth, then China would have to solve the problem of having 400million unemployed people. This would not only severe counter the supply and demand of employment, but also affect social harmony and stability.